====== StrukturDB ====== This section shows the most important features of the [[https://rbgwebapp.in.tum.de/struktur/login| StrukturDB]] provided by the RBG. The old IP list is still available [[https://wiki.cm.in.tum.de/doku.php?id=infrastructure:chair-ip-list|here]] but deprecated. ===== Add/Edit Host ===== In order to provide a static DHCP lease for chair network access, click on: - **Procedures** - **Host anlegen** - Select ''**net:il11**''! - Select **cm.in.tum.de** as the domain - Select the proper hosttype - Select a proper hostname-structure (in most cases cm%%) or directly enter a hostname - Enter the **interface** MAC address - Enter the **user's** name (the person you create the entry for) - Give information (name again, device and month of the year) on the device under **notes**.\\ for example: Simon Zelenski APU Testbed NUC 05/18 If you want to edit a host entry, look it up on Chair IP List or search for the hostname in the search bar. Once you have found the host, click on **Update**. Do not forget to **save changes**. ==== Naming Scheme ==== When adding a host there is a list preconfigured list of hostname schemes. To get a consistent naming the names should be chosen for the following use cases: * ''Specify the hostname directly only in rare cases!'' (e.g. service-ip) * **cm** - memeber of the chair, long usage, e.g. Laptops, PCs, employee Ethernet adapters etc. * **one** - Opennebula VMs, created on ONE with a chair interface, Specify the VM name in the notes, e.g. "ONE grapes Vaibhav Data Analysis 10/18" * **guest** - working students in the big student room, or PhD guests, only for a short time at the chair * **test** - All testbeds and small devices for development: RPis, Controllers, Boards, etc. * **lap** - No use case, can be deleted in the future, or different use case * **** - The other entries are mostly for specific type of servers (emu, net, sim, testbed, etc.) Always try to give a meaningful **note** about the device or you will late get problems (already happened). \\ AND fill out the user (Besitzer) as the person responsible for the device. ===== Chair IP List ===== To look up all the IP addresses in the chair network, log on the [[ https://rbgwebapp.in.tum.de/struktur/login| StrukturDB ]] and click on intum/I11/**host**. Click onto **colums** in the top-right corner and select the data you want to see.\\ The most important data is: * **etheraddr** * **notes** * **admin** * **host** * **ip4**